Receipts plus is a consumer and enterprise mobile application which helps to store business, personal receipts, expense records in your mobile device. It helps to track your daily, monthly and yearly expenses. To keep the backup copy of the receipts images in your email inbox, use email option from Manage Receipts menu. It can be integrated with your corporate and personal financial and expense management applications.
- Easy to store receipts image and business and personal expense details
- Easy to setup and maintain your own expense category, subcategory, Payment type and merchant
- Provision to add custom data entry fields for expense details
- Protect your data with passcode
- Data Integration is available for Enterprise Financials and Expense management applications
- It stores digital Image of receipts in the local (SQLite) database
- Easy to manage, edit, delete and email stored receipts from your iPhone
- Expense trend and Categorized expense chart reports are available
- Receipts can be uploaded to web portal